Friday, January 3, 2014


Hi Guys, I still can't believe it's a new year already *phew* 2013 went by so fast like a whirlwind :/
But nonetheless it was a fun and memorable year. This year I am going to strive to get better at everything instead of wake up at 6AM do my farm chores, sit down do a little school and then sit at the computer editing late posts, listening to vintage music, and drink coffee as the sun comes up...Just kidding! Anyway I made this little slide show of pictures from 2013. I hope you like it! What are some of your goals for 2014? Happy New year!!!

P.s. Just realized my little brother (Blake) who has been sitting in my lap has been guzzling my coffee *sigh* and then he has to go and give me a coffee mustache smile.  

Have a great day and God bless!

1 comment:

  1. I had fun looking at the slideshow! I know...2013 went by WAY TOO FAST! :P I keep forgetting that, so every time I write down the date, I write 2013 and then have to erase it and re-write 2014! XD

    XOXO Melody
    (P.S Has your Mom had the baby yet??? I'm so excited for you!) :) <3


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Have a great day and God bless
