Monday, October 29, 2012


Yes!!!!!!! I made it through Monday! Wow!!!!!! I even get to post something! I'm on it today! Oh ya!!!!!!! 

Listening to----Walk On The Water by Brit Nicole
Eating- ---------Candy corn My Aunt Beverly and Uncle Toby brought the other day!
Planning to- ----go read a good book or write more of my book or go build some more of our forts
Wearing---------does it matter? LOL But I might post pictures later! :P
Wishing for-----Ice Cream!

 Have a great day and God bless


 Mmmmm Mama was making Apple Sauce.....and it smelled SO good!

 The leaves our turning colors!

Yours Truly


Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog! I love comments! Please don't use rude or inappropriate language! Thank you!

Have a great day and God bless
