
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

BFF fun!

Little late post.... but anyway! I went with my BFF to see despicable Me 2 and it was a GreAT! Better then the first Despicable Me!  We ate a little to much pop corn and candy HaHaHaHa! Anyway she is moving so I am super SAD but she is one of the best girls I know and I will REALLY REaLly miss her! Love you Girl :)

Lily, me and Abigail :D 

 Cat lovers

Have a great day and God bless

Yours Truly


  1. Aww, I love besties! Yeah we were going to go see Despicable Me 2 today, but my Mom's not feeling well, so instead we're going Thursday to see Monsters University. Glad you guys had a great time! When we wen't to see "Man of Steel" we brought Twizzlers in our purses and gummy worms! I'm afraid we had a little bit too much hehee :P


  2. OH MY WORD!

    I am really chocking up right now ... thank you SOOOOOO much!! *wipes away tears*
    I am so very blessed to have such a dear, sweet girl as my BBF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!


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