
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Kittens & garden & etc

 I usually do my farm chores in the early mornings so as I head back to the house I go into the garden where I fill my apron with the vegetables that had grown that night!
 One of our calves (CHIP)!
 Something about sitting in your barn loft with a gentle breeze blowing by and a kitten in your lap and her siblings playing with your apron string and wrestling near by brings a wonderful peace over me :)
 Violet or Annabelle your choice :)
 Maxwell a very tired babysitter.

 Cooling off on the cold dirt floor!
 I picked a pioneer girl look for today! :)
 I know this picture looks like I am a rough pioneer women seeing someone on her land LOL!
 I don't like myself in buns really but its been so hot recently I have grown to like them :)
 I was filling water buckets for the cows and thought this looked cool!
 Our peaches on our peach trees are looking really good!

 A life-saver for a big family on a farm 
A boot rack that keeps the dirty stinky farm boots out of the house and keeps them dry in the rain and NO spiders :)
 Blake and Jessica
 Running to the creek!
 Mama and Blake
 Blake and Savannah in the creek.
 Sun flowers!

 Allison and some of the kids have been making a little camp out of extra boards and it reminds me so much of the Little Rascals

 Our huge Zucchini plants

 Lydia hiding in her brick house!
 I am in love with his eyes!

 Tree forts!

 Professional cuddlers!

 About to do some mowing with my POWERADE LOL!
 Team mowers

 Our lane!
 Black berries! Yes I know they are mostly red lol!
 Some how I always get the Rebel seat (nickname) in our van and that is the very back seat in our 15 passenger van :) I usually share it with Allison

 Me and Chip
 Lydia my fav kitten!
 Grape vines!

Making supper!

Our garden

One of our poor tomato plants died yesterday to a MEAN Tomato Horn-worm :/ 
So we headed out and us kids killed 4 in all and now Papa is paying us each a dollar for every worm we find :)
Rocky and Chip!

And last but not least. Loading up the calves to go to their new home, a ten acre pasture with knee high grass :D

Have a great day and God Bless


  1. Oh, your garden looks great! I usually have some time outside in the early morning ... love the mornings in AL!

    The kittys look SO cute! I know what you mean about having a certain kind of peace just sitting alone, with animals around you. :P hehe!

    Your pioneer girl look it so cute. Yes! Thank the good Lord for buns!! The only way my hair looks somewhat nice.
    HAHA! Love the pic where you were a pioneer woman seeing some one was on her land! EPIC!

    LOL! Our kids did that with some boards we had one time. Kept them occupied for hours on end.

    The Rebel seat?!?!? Funny, but very creative. We all have fights to get the front seat and I win most of the time ... NOT! hehe!


  2. Love this post, lots of pictures!!! Love all the pictures, especially the pioneer women seeing someone one her land :P LOL I so want to take tons of pictures and post! Only we have no batteries for the cameras and no empty memories cards! :P Also no empty computers to download the pictures on too, so yeah, I will just have to wait or delete pictures :)


  3. Your pictures are awesome! OMW! I want your hair!! Gah! So pretty! Your blog designee is amazing! love it!

    ~Hannah <3

  4. What lovely pictures! All of your kittens are soooo adorable!! :)

  5. Hi, i'm Rachel! I too live on a farm. But it's not very big, we have 3 goats, 30+ chickens, and 3 cats! Are those purple hull peas in the first pic? They don't grow the greatest at our house. Edward is cute!!! How many cats do you have in all? Your hair is pretty and you look pretty with your hair in a bun! By the way, the supper you are making looks yummy!!


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