
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

         I am so blessed to have such a beautiful mother. She is such a wonderful lady. She deals with us eight children so lovingly and calmly. I just L-O-V-E her and I hope to be just like her some day. I could go on and on about her  but I must stop for  my sake so NO one tries to steal her. :) Happy Mothers Day. Have a great day and  GOD BLESS

And here is my beautiful Mama .


  1. That's really cool! Happy Mother's Day! I'm Amy by the way, just thought your blog was WAY cooler than mine.:( Oh well! God bless you!

    1. Hi Amy
      Glad to meet you !!!!!! Why thank you . You made my day. Comments like that really make me happy ........... I am glad you like my blog. I am going to check yours out right know and by the way you comment. I think I will love it :)
      Have a great day and God bless

      Marissa Kathryn


Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog! I love comments! Please don't use rude or inappropriate language! Thank you!

Have a great day and God bless
