
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Camera crazy in the back seat :P

Me, Emelie and Hanna
My beautiful sister Emelie :)
Cute Hanna

Sweet Blake ........ He is such a big boy now.

Emelie edited this picture of me :P

And the rest are of me LOL

Glasses are so glamorous **********

The Glasses even have my initials on them :) ............ MK

Well, bye, and have a great day! GOD BLESS. Hope you survived that. LOL


  1. Your so pretty!!! Love the edited picture. Could you send me the link to the site Emelie uses to edit pics? Or is it just pic monkey? (:


  2. AWWWWWWWW Thanks chic. Emelie uses pic monkey !!!!!!!!!! Love you. Have a great day and GOD BLESS

    Marissa Kathryn


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