
Friday, March 20, 2015

//Fashion Friday | Black with a dash of springy Purple//

Happy Spring everybody, yes it is March 20 which is the first day of spring....Woot Woot!
It has been so nice this week; I got a ton of things done. These last few winter months of bone-chilling cold made me delay halter training my latest calf (Macie), but seeing as we have been getting beautiful weather I decided it had been long enough and have had at least 30 minutes of training and letting her out to walk and graze this week. She had developed some bad habits, but she is doing much better now :) Also my dad is putting new siding on our house so lots of construction going on around here ...I will hopefully take pictures.
Anyway got sooooo much done this week and really enjoyed it!

And as you can see in the picture above I cracked out my all time favorite black wedges and I LOVE them!

I am obsessed with this color I painted my nails...I love purple, and it's such a springy color :)

Well, bye guys! Happy Spring :)

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