
Friday, September 6, 2013

Summer/Fall fashion Friday outfit.

So I am cherishing these last days of summer even if down here in Alabama it will stay warm probably for a long time still but I am looking forward to fall! While my whole family snoozed on I was making myself breakfast at 6am watching the sun come up!! BTW I am a early bird!!! So I went into my room and started sorting through my sister's and my clothes trying to find a outfit I hadn't worn in a while and found this dress in my sister's (Emelie) drawer.....Then I starting finding all the rest of the outfit!!! TA DAAAA!!!!! I really thought this outfit was a perfect combination of fall/summer!!!

Here are some pictures!!!!

Flower Necklace: Lucky Brand
Orange tank top: Limited too
Polka dot dress: Jonathan Martin
Black ruffle sandals:Walmart
Blue belt:Walmart

I might be doing more fashion outfits in the future!

What do yall think??? Should I do more fashion Fridays??


  1. Love it Marissa! We should make a "Friends Fashion" or something :P And one day post all our fashions! Or "The Fashion Girls" hehee, cute names! L I LOVE your outfit!!!


    1. That is a great idea! HEHE love the names. We should really think about doing this and maybe get some other girls to do it with us!

      Thanks for the comment Belle!


  2. Love the dress, its very cute(: I would enjoy the fashion Fridays, keep it up!
    God Bless-
    Hannah Sue
    p.s check my blog out (:

    1. Thank you! Ok, I think I will probably will!

      Thanks for following!


  3. The colours are incredible on you girl! The necklace is amazing with the dress.

    ADORE you hairstyle you did ... which one is it?!?!? Must know!!!!!!

    God Bless,

    1. Thank you! I love the necklace too!

      Thanks! I don't have a name for it...I cant really explain how to do it through a comment but maybe I should do a hair tutorial?


  4. Oh goodness, that outfit is SO cute!! <3 I love your shoes!!


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