
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Attention Isabelle, Abigail, Melody and Brittney!!!

10 Questions: Liebster Award

I have been tagged by the amazing, Sarah Bertke, who asked 10 random questions for me to answer! 
Psst, you should go check out her blog and follow her☺

Let's begin! ☟

Alright I accidentally grabbed Katie May's questions to and didn't realize it until I had answered all of them and I just couldn't bring myself delete it all so :/  My bad! 

Katie May's questions

  1. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Tumblr? Instagram totally!

  2. Favorite hairstyle? Down and long......I have curly hair so if I want short hair I just let it dry into short tight curls and if I want long I pull on them once in awhile and they come out long!

  3.   How did you get into blogging? My Mom did a family blog and I wanted to do one too!

  4. What is your must have beauty product?  Mascara 

  5. What's your favourite film of the year?  OH PLEASE!!!!! I really don't! But probably Epic and  Heart of the Country

  6. When was the last time you cried? HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! I don't remember! LOL! 

  7. What's your favorite season? Spring/Fall!!!

  8. Who makes you laugh?My Dad and Sister (Emelie) and a lot of other people...Also my guy /cousins really make me laugh!!!!

  9. What's your favorite memory? The years that I didn't care what I looked like! LOL! I was real tough tomboy. 

  10. What do you hope to achieve in the next 5 years? finish my books, graduate, and finish ALL my goals!

Sarah's questions

  1. Who's your favorite Youtuber?
     Kayley... her channel is Lets Make It Up....Love her hair tutorials!
  2. If you could go on a date with any book or movie character, who would it be?
     I am not old enough to go on dates yet
  3. What's something your followers don't know about you?
     I sleep on the top bunk of our bunk beds.
  4. What's your top thing that you want to accomplish someday?
     Be happily married
  5. What at the moment is your favorite song?
     I have tons.... But I like The Call from Narnia and When You See Forever off of The perfect game
  6. How have you changed in the past two years?
    I had braces for two years so that's how I have changed

  7. What TV show are you currently addicted to?
     Bonanza and Big Valley

  8. What's the meaning of your blog name?
     It was a nickname my Mama gave me....I might change it though!

  9. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
    To be invisible, could fly and have perfect aim 

  10. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
    I think I am pretty happy with myself right now!

    That was so much fun! Thank you for tagging me, Sarah!
    Now I have to tag several people to answer my 10 questions below ☟ 
    I tag:

    My Questions! These are the questions you will answer....Hopefully you wont make the mistake I did!

    1. Whats your style?

    2. Favorite season?

    3. Favorite childhood toy? 

    4. What Disney Princess are you most like?

    5. If you could name this little girl what would you name her?

    6. Favorite breed of dog

    7. If you could live in one of these three houses which one would you live in?
    Cottage by the sea
    White Farmhouse surrounded by corn fields 
    Brick mansion on an estate

    8. Dream car

    9. Which one of these jobs would you pick?
    Fashion Designer in Paris
    Famous writer/painter in England

    10.  Do you wear hats?

    Have fun!



  1. Thanks Marissa! I loved your answers! Oh I have a question, do you know what is the shortest time you have to wear braces? I know random question, but I was just wandering :D Thanks again! Oh one more thing, do I have to put the award pic on your post, onto mine?


    1. Hi,

      It all depends on the Orthodontist's opinion and your teeth. Mine were in bad shape so it took me longer but I don't know about you! So it all depends. Sorry if I cant answer you perfectly ;/

      Only if you want too! If you are tagged that means you get that award and can put it on the side board on your blog!


  2. WooHoo! Another??? :D Thanks though! :) Yur the best! :)


  3. Thanks 4 awarding me =) I will do this as soon as possible! Oh and I LOVE the call from Narnia too =) It's so awesome!

  4. haha! I just found your blog after seeing I'd had some traffic coming from your way...I love your answers and your blog is amazing. IT was fate that you answered my questions too because I wouldn't have come across your lovely blog :) Katie May xoxo


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Have a great day and God bless
