
Saturday, August 31, 2013

New windows and a few random pictures!

The past three days my Papa has been working really hard on replacing all our windows in the whole house! He has done all of them except the four laundry room windows that are being custom we are still waiting on them. :D So most of the house has sparkling new windows! YAY! Even this girl got two of her own in her room! But probably the favorite window is the kitchen window....Because we used to have to wash dishes with a piece of plywood staring back at you and now you have a beautiful window to look out of plus it lets sunshine through the whole kitchen! 


One of the work sites

Savannah and Blake watching Papa work
 Blake is such a cutie pie.
 My precious windows....still needing some trim around them though!

And the kitchen window! TA DAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

 Oh looky here is another picture of Blake yet he is in a wagon now! *laugh*
 Canyon and I. The only way you can describe little Canyon is "A little chunk of cuteness"!! I really wish we could have got a picture of his smile with his only two teeth!! OH do you see Blake wondering what happened to him being the ONLY cutie!
 If you need a laugh put a towel head on a baby!LOL!!!!

 Last but not least is me all ready for the first Alabama football game of the year! YAY!

Well that's it!!!
What have yall all been doing?


  1. I LOOOOOVE your Alabama outfit, so cute!!!!! Just love it! Oh your windows make the house look so pretty!!! I LOVE your kitchen window, it's so big and you can see out now! :P Love it Marissa! As always :)


    1. Why Thank you it was a last minute always!!! Thanks I really love the kitchen window too! HAHA!!! Yep when I was making this post I said Hummm Isabelle will like this one!!



  2. Great post!

    Blake is so cute! And the windows look great!

    Baby Canyon has got so big!! =D

    1. Thanks!

      Yes, he is isn't he *vanity* lol!!!! Thank you!!!

      I know and his hair has gone from dark brunette to bleach blonde!!!


  3. Lovely pictures! :) You're so pretty! <3 (And you have the cutest little siblings!) :)

    1. Thank you Melody.....Yes, I am very blessed with all my sweet siblings!

      Have a great day and God bless



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