
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Happy B-Day Mama

Yesterday was my Mama's birthday and as always it snuck up on us kids so we were scrambling to get her gifts ! But somehow we got her gifts on time! I got her a gallon of Oreo ice cream, a small kitchen knife, a gift card to a small jewelry shop and then all the rest of the siblings got her snickers, a bracelet,  sewing scissors and a cute wood piece with hearts and Mama on it and lots of homemade b-day cards from the little ones!!!! She only asked for sewing scissors, and a little knife because she never has one.... its always getting lost!  It was a wonderful birthday and that afternoon Papa went to town and got her two chocolate cakes and ice cream and brought it home then we had a supper that was easy: corn dogs, fries, and beans! It was really good! Then we played 5 family games of Mafia! So it was a perfect birthday I think *wink* 

Me and Mama

Mama and all of us girls except Savannah!
 Extra thanks to my Aunt Beverly for  helping pick up a lot of our gifts for us!!!!

Have a great day and God bless



  1. AWE! so very sweet! Happy B-day to your mom. ;D

    Much loves,

  2. Tell your Mom I said Happy Birthday! Aww that sounds like a wonderful birthday!



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