
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A girls best friends!

Happy National Dog Day to three sweet, naughty, wonderful and funny dogs!

The three short stories of the Ballenger dogs! 

It all started when a little six year old wanted a dog and had 100$ bucks saved up to go to a local shelter and the parents said YES!!! 

Angel: a poor lonely beagle basset mix was brought into the pound with a litter of puppies that were quickly adopted but the old faithful mother was left until a frizzy haired wild child girl came trotting to her cage and seeing Angel pointed straight  into her eyes and said "that one". A heavy set man came and slung the poor dog under his arm and took it to the visiting room where the girl's little siblings were waiting. The baby (Jessica) crawled at the dog and taking her ear took a bite. The mother didn't stop her to see the temperament of the dog and Angel only pulled away but stood right by the baby! So that night the little girl counted her money on the dining room table and the next morning picked up her beloved dog that has been loyal ever since! She has never bitten or growled at anyone!

Corky: a orange colored mutt with a little stubby tail!!! When my older sister saw I was getting a dog, she quickly realized she wanted one too. So we went to see a wallpaper shop lady, who also rescued dogs.  5 of her little dogs came and played with us children and one little dog curled up in Emelie's lap and didn't get out..... and Emelie knew she wanted her! Corky had been found on a highway wounded by a car and was taken in and cared for, so Emelie brought her home to where Angel and Corky had a teeth snarling fight and after that have been friends till the end.  Angel is always not far behind Corky! Corky is a toothless wonder and unlike Angel has bitten everyone in the family! 

Maverick: my dad always wanted a German shepherd and me being the dog lover, he told me that some day we would have one! We had close friends that bred and raised them so my Dad, after talking with me, said we were getting one..... I was thrilled and he said he had picked the fattest of the litter! While he was growing up and being weaned from his mother I wondered when I would meet the little guy but then one afternoon I was at the neighbor kids' house and my dad called saying he was bring him home so I ran home and jumped on our trampoline and watched the road until our van came over the hill.  He stopped and I trotted  over the gravel, not minding the pain, and jumped in the car.  A little pup came licking my face and jumping around and ever since he has been my pal!! 


 And now for some dogs that were loved by us but are not with us any more 
(only the ones I have pictures of)

Papa, Emelie and Riley 
 Me and Gretchen

Well that's it! Hope you enjoyed it! 


p.s. I had this post ready yesterday but didn't get to post it until today..... So yesterday was National Dog Day!LOL!


  1. Aww, they're all so cute! I had a dog named Angel too a long time ago, and she was the sweetest thing you ever saw! Now I have two great Pyrenees, a German Shepherd and a German Shepherd/Pitbull mix! The mix is my baby :)

    1. Yes, Whats funny is I named her Angel before I even knew she was sweet so it was pure luck she turned out a sweet dog :D

      Oh I love all of those dogs but have never heard of a German Shepherd/pit bull mix but it sounds pretty! Do you have a picture?


  2. Wow! I love dogs! And those stories were so cute! Loved them! I also love all the old pictures of you guys :P lol. Love them! I always like seeing old pics of friends :)


    1. HAHA! Yeah we have one album for each of us kids growing up!


  3. OH! I loved this post. Yea, Lily was going crazy when you found out it was National Dog Day. LOL!

    Corky and Angle are so sweet ... and I love Riley. :D He's so FLUFFY! hehe!
    The old pictures in this post are waaaaaay too precious!!


    1. HAHA! I thought she would!!!

      Yes, he was the best dog and super sweet!!! Thanks!!


  4. P.S. LOVE the new blog design. It is so totes you ... beautiful and gorgeous. hehe!

    1. Awww thank you it took awhile and please I do believe the blog looks better then the girl :D



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