
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A s'more for you and a s'more for me :)

Dear Followers 
Last Friday my Uncle Toby and Aunt Beverly planned a camp out at Maw-maws one room cabin.
It was super fun. All of us kids had a blast. We did a lot of fun stuff country kids LOVE. Well here are the 35 pictures LOL. Thanks again, Uncle Toby and Aunt Beverly. Have a great day and GOD BLESS!

The gang!!!!!!

The gang again !!!!
This is the cabin we stayed in!!
Roasting hot dogs yummmmmm
Me and Angel

Uncle Toby stoking the fire

Eating hot dogs and chatting :)
Me and Allison fishing. While papa went and bought bait me and Allison used an old Bamboo  pole we found and a rusty hook and some marshmallows. We caught 2 blue gill :P
The patient fishing people  ........ They caught one
........ so the rest came. LOL
Me fishing
Jessica baiting her line. Too CUTE
Savannah as sister Mary HA HA
Cute Jessie
Shooting practice
Me shooting at a pop can
S'more time !!!!!!
Roasting marshmallows
Sisters sharing
Emelie and Blake
Blake and me ................ Blake: what did she say she was going to do
 Oh i know now LOL
Sweet Vanna
getting ready to play UNO

 Did I hear Coyotes *gulp*  LOL

Daisy May is plain tuckered out :)

Breakfast was great. This is the only picture I got of it, but it was an  old-fashioned Southern breakfast of bacon, biscuits, sausage, gravy, eggs and orange soda
Early fishers

Corky and Angel
Savannah giving Corky SUGAR
Me and Blake

Vanna taking an early morning run!!!!!

Have a great day and GOD BLESS 


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Have a great day and God bless
