
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Family Facts :)

Rachel and Sarah 
of Our Family View From Us Two are hosting a blog event centered around family, and I thought that I would like to participate!  :)


  1. What are some of your family's favorite phrases, exclamations, or sayings? Let's see.....where to start? "Oh my stars" "For Pete's Sake!","Goodness Gracious", and TONS of others! A lot of them are off movies like..... "Mandie and the Cherokee Treasure"...such as "my little squash seed," "my sugar plum" and "honey bungees".  "BOLT"..."zoom zoom" and "Yes mittens thank you Mittins"  and sometimes when we're very thirsty we say "Oh I need this to sustain my mortal soul" and my little sister has said this for months and its quite common in our house.............. "boo-ya five dollars foot long"............................... don't even ask me where that came from! LOL 
  2. What's the number of boys to girls in your family?  6 girls against 2 boys :)
  3. What is your favorite tradition your family has?  Family fun night. Or  maybe doughnuts every other Saturday morning and on Christmas eve we can open 1 present :) 
  4. What do you call the midday meal at your house? Lunch. What else do people call it? :)
  5. Is the majority of your family morning people or night owls? hm...I'd say about 1/2 & 1/2.  Bu I am a morning person if I did not stay up late the night before
  6. What is your favorite vacation location? :P Well, in our family the favorite places are Sanibel Island, Franklin, TN, and the Fort Worth Stockyards in TX.
  7. Are your family's weekends usually full of activities such as sports, parties, and outings, or are they more of around the house, fix-it-uppers? It probably depends on the time of the summer you'd more often than not, find us cleaning the house, doing projects outside, playing, swimming, etc. But in the slower seasons, we don't mind having a party or get-together to go to. CAUSE THAT'S REALLY FUN  ;)
  8. What is the nationality/ies your family comes from? ( etc) We are a big mixture.  On my mom side there's Dutch on my dad's side there's German, English, Irish,  and his great grandmother is full blooded Indian ! It's kind of fun to be able to claim all those as our heritage. :)
  9. Do you go away for holidays, or celebrate at home?  Some times the holidays are at my many relatives,   like for  Easter and Thanksgiving, but we mostly like to do things as a family.  We usually stay at our  house to celebrate Christmas!
  10. How did your parents meet? they were in school together since first grade.  They grew up going to the same church, school, etc.  They became casual acquaintances in about 6th grade, and better friends in 7th - 10th grade.  But it was during their Junior year of high school, when several things took place which caused them to become like best friends.  They didn't start dating though til their Sr. year.  Since my grandfather didn't want them to marry til my dad turned 25, they waited 7 years to get married!!!!
 This was a really fun event and I loved doing it :) Thanks Rachel and Sarah!

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