
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Awards LOVELY awards :)

Abilaine of  Miss Emma Woodhouse
has awarded me two LOVELY awards. Thank you dearly, my dear friend. :) 

Okay now some ten random things about myself!
1.  My favorite vacation place is Sanibel Island *sigh*.........P.s. I like pools much better then lakes. :)
2. I have eaten fried snapping turtle, and actually LOVE it!
3. I have 5 wonderful sisters NOT counting me :P
4. I have lived in 3 states in the US 
5. My favorite colors are Pink, Green and purple :)
6. I am good at knitting WINTER hats
7. I want to go Geo-caching some day :)
8. I have watched Roy Rogers since I was 4 and never stopped 
9. My favorite Jane Austen  character is Elisabeth Bennet <3
10. I could not go without my FAMILY !!!!!
 Now to award six other bloggers.

Awarded by my little sunflower seed again............. Thank you again my dearest friend. He he

  • Link back to the person who awarded you in your 'acceptance' post
  • Tell three helpful things you have done either on or off the blogosphere
  • Nominate three other bloggers and tell them that you've nominated them

Blogging wise
1. I have helped my sister Emelie with ideas for blog posts on her newest blog.
2. I have given advice to ABILAINE so many times I can't count them !!!!!!
 3. And for today I went over for 6 hours in the sweltering Alabama heat and mowed, trimmed, etc, at my grandma's and grandpa's house :) 

And here are the nominated persons :)

Thank you again my little cookie crumb Abilaine :)


  1. Thank you so much for awarding me, dearie.

  2. You welcome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love you .............. H000ave a great day and GOD BLESS :)



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