
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

//Fall Photography//

These are some fall pictures I took last Sunday at church! Some of the pictures I edited and some I didn't. 

What do you think?

I took a lot of tree bark pictures :/

A heart leaf I found!

Lots of fall leaves and pine cones. Cant get enough of em!

And what's better than leaves and toddler shoes!
An for a interesting event that happened.....We have woods all around our church building and as I was walking closer to the woods a HUGE buck looked up about 20 feet away and stood there..Being shocked at how close he was I didn't think to snap a picture but just watched him finally seeing as he wasn't going to run with out permission I said "Alright go ahead run" then with a flying leap he took off crashing through the woods. I smiled and looked down at my camera and then realizing the great picture I could have had and did this exactly!

So hope you guys are having a wonderful week!


  1. Those are all great! :) Did you photo-shop some of them on PicMonkey? :D
    xoxo melody
    (P.S I LOVE your new design sooo much!) :)

    1. Hey Melody

      Yes, I edit all my photos on PicMonkey (Love that site)....

      Thanks....It took a little bit!


  2. I know! I love your new design too! Love the pictures, that's an awesome camera you got there! :) I have been wanting to do pictures like that, but I can't run the camera the way my brother does, he's awesome with photography :) For some reason our camera memory car isn't working so I can't do my Sunday Style, so there for no pictures for now! I was very upset, since you know I love pictures, awesome post btw pictures and all :D LOL!


    1. Thank you Bella I like it too!

      Actually I realize I should have put Iphone 5 instead in camera! It takes awesome pictures :D

      Oh Hope your camera works soon.....You should do more post of what your family does!!!!


    2. and I took the last three pictures on my Ipod 4 :p

    3. I know I always have TONS of random family doings pictures, but when it comes down to uploading them, I can never find them. I guess luck just isn't on my side :D lol. But I am planning to (hopefully) get pictures this week of stuff me and my family's up too. Although I'm not sure I will have time to post a lot, because my brother's going to propose this weekend, hopefully I can post about that! It's all a big surprise!!!


  3. This is great, I love the pics so, so, so much,
    you are very good! keep posting! ;)
    love grace

    1. Hi Grace.

      Thank you so much!!! Your comments make me feel so great!!!

      Have a great day and God Bless


  4. Those are great pics! I just recently found your blog and I am enjoying it so much!


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