
Sunday, June 2, 2013


Going and helping out at my grandpa's horse shows are so much fun! 
Me and my grandpa's horse Gypsy 
We have been tilling up the garden and this morning we planted it all (pics soon)
Blake and savannah enjoying their watermelon :)
Reese chiller on a hot day! YUM!
Chip and me. He is growing up so fast!
Mama and 5 of us girls minus Savannah'
The kittens have all opened their eyes and are so adorable (violet) 
My dad bought me this bracelet and I love it! 


  1. I love that horse:D I have to name my future horse Gypsy:)
    Also, the bracelet is so sweet and cool!

  2. Love that horse too! Love riding! And I love that bracelet! Wow that's a lot of loves ;P

  3. Eli OKeefe Yes, many people have wanted to buy her but she is Grandpas favorite! The name is so unique I think! Thank you

    Izzy, Thank you she is a great horse to ride! Yes, it goes with everything!

    Thanks for taking the time to comment girls!


  4. Do you live on a farm or are those your grandpa's animals? How cool that you get to go to your grandpa's horse shows! Does he let you ride his horses?

    In His Service,
    Hannah Boyd

  5. Can I just take a minute to express how incredible I think your header is? BEAUTIFUL pictures! Alex

  6. Everty picture a memory

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